Saturday, December 18, 2010

What I've Been Up To...

Well it's obvious that I've been busy! And now that I'm getting caught up with some of my projects... I can take time to share them with you. I'm very excited! I feel like it's show and tell day at school!

I think this will require a bullet list of events.
  • To start, there have been a lot of photo jobs lately and that has been an answer to prayer. Several months ago, I felt convicted that I wasn't being faithful to use that skill/gift. (When I say "gift", I don't mean that in a prideful way... rather, that it's something I feel created to do, and I love it!) Work had to fall into my lap for me to take it, but now I want to help make it happen. My hope is that I can bless the people I get to work with, and that I can help provide for my family as well. So, lots of photo work (all at once!) equals a big hooray, but also WAY too little sleep! I've been in a state of delirium this last month. Apologies to my family and friends for that.
  • Thanks to my very talented cousin, Elisabeth Owens, a designer... I have a logo! So official, I know. There will be a website, business cards and packaging to come as well. As soon as I make time to work through the details and plans for that. So here's the logo, I love it! (See the EB, the eye, the flash, the awesomeness?) :)

  • Continuing on, there have been some smaller projects like making Christmas cookies. 
  • And big deal stuff like a family trip to NYC for my lovely sister-in-law Lindsay's wedding!!!
  • There were even some funny little, paper mache squirrels Evie and I made for Thanksgiving...
I know, it's all too much! How can you possibly wait to see all those fun, beautiful, delicious and quirky things?! It's been so hard not to share my enthusiasm for all these events immediately, but now I get to catch up! Hopefully I won't overwhelm anyone with all this exuberance and/or the copious amount of photographs that will be flowing out of me now.

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